$032|1-Taking the PC Plunge! $123 To switch, or not to switch... By Robert Glover $9ac Okay, you're depressed. Depressed about how little known the Amiga is. Or at least that's how it appears. At any rate, you find yourself considering more and more the possibility of moving to the PC and selling your beloved Amiga. Let's take a look at what you're going to need to be as happy with your new PC as you go. First, I'm going to assume that you have at the very least a semi-powerful Amiga system. This means something along the lines of a souped up A500 or A1200, or perhaps an A2000 with plenty of extra memory, and maybe a graphics card. An accelerator isn't necessarily required, but essentially a decent hard drive and plenty of RAM is what I mean. Not one of those shitty A600 consoley things. Now, in order to have as nice a machine (in essense) as your Amiga, you'll have to run Ody seems to really like NT that much right now, so I'll stick with OS/2. OS/2's requirements are (at a minimum) a 386SX with at least 6 meg of RAM, and about 60 meg of free hard disk space. However, for best overall results, plan on a 486DX/33 with at least 12 to 16 meg of RAM, and a 340 to 500 meg hard drive. I'm not kidding. Everyone I've talked to says that even a big 486DX2/66 can be a bit slow with OS/2, but like with Windows, memory is the key. With 16 meg of RAM, you'll hOS/2 from having to rely on virtual memory too often. Remember, OS/2 is huge. In fact, it comes on about twenty high density disks, or an optional CD ROM disc (I highly recommend this), to simplify things. $ff0 [My 486 has only 8MBs of RAM and W95 has set up 10MBs of VMM and if your hard drive starts getting full your PC slows down then crashes! Kei] $9ac So let's settle on a 486DX/33 with 16 meg of RAM and a 340 meg hard drive. Without a monitor or video card, you're looking at 1800-2000, depending on the brand. This is a VESA localbus system, too, BTW. Now, there are several good choices for video cards. My first choice is meg of video RAM. This is the fastest 32-bit video card on the PC to date, and OS/2 drivers were recently released for it. Drivers? Yes, you'll have to be sure whatever video card you choose has drivers available to run OS/2 in any mode above standard VGA's 640x480. $ff0 [Hmm your prices are wrong. You can pick up a fast 486 for £300-£600 these days. You can get a P75 for £400 if you shop around! Kei] $9ac Basically, the cards it supports are any S3 cards (Viper, Genoa, ATI, etc.), plus the video systems in IBM's own PS/1 and PS/2 series. And a good video card will set you back anywhere from 100-400, depending on wha I have heard through the grapevine that the Genoa is the best one for the money, being available mail order for about 95. It ranks in performance-wise along with the ATI Ultra Graphics Pro, yet is reasonably priced, and can take another meg of video RAM, for a total of two. So we'll add another 150 to our 1800 figure, to make 1950 (I added the extra meg of video RAM, for good measure). Now you're going to want a good CD ROM system. See, part of what is making the PC take ofare the wide array of multimedia software available. This includes Microsoft Bookshelf, a nice all-in-one reference library, Grolier's and Compton's multimedia encyclopedias, fabulous games like Seventh Guest, and so on. So you'll need a sound card and a CD ROM. What to get? Well, forget about those cheap 300 packages at Best Buy and Wal Mart. They are the older MPC Level 1 kits, that have 16-bit sound cards (like Sound Blaster 16 or Media Vision), and a 150K/sec 350 ms CD ROM ited for this fast-paced marketplace. Also, OS/2 will not run on anything but a pure SCSI CD ROM. So plan on a sound card that has a true SCSI port, and Sound Blaster doesn't. Two choices are the Pro Audio Spectrum 16 or the Gravis Ultra Sound. The Gravis is a nice board, but lacks support by many games, as it is not Sound Blaster compatible. It is, however, the closest thing you'll find to a 16-bit version of the Amiga's Paula chip as you're going to get. Sound Blaster has beenazine as having poor sound quality. This is because Sound Blaster (like it's competitors) have pre-sampled sounds in ROM, which are called by programs and games. That's why games like X-Wing sound so "synthesizery." The Gravis, on the other hand, has onboard RAM and will accept true digitized samples, much like Paula does. You give up some compatibility, but the sound quality makes it worthwhile. Or, you could get a Gravis, and then pick up a used Sound Blaster Pro (8-bit card) cdifferent IRQ, and have the best of both worlds. IRQ?? What's that, you ask? Well, the PC doesn't have the auto-configuring convenience that the Amiga does. Every time you add a new board, you'll get to set its interrupt request setting (IRQ), and a host of other things. I won't go into detail here, because, well, frankly, it makes me shudder just thinking about it. The Pro Audio Spectrum 16 or Gravis boards will run you about 150 on the street, so our price is up to 2100. Rhave a monitor selected. We'll do that a little later. Next we need a CD ROM drive. A good multispin drive (which means it can do 150K/sec or 300K/sec) plus have a reasonable seek time of 300 ms or better will cost about 400 bare. Now our total is up to 2500. Okay... now we have the computer, the memory, the sound card, video card with 2 meg, and a big hard drive. Now we need a monitor. There are some important things you need to know about monitors. I've done a lot of look different computer stores and discount chains (Best Buy, Wal Mart, Sam's, Sears, etc), and found a lot of things. First of all, the monitors that are included with 99% of these pre- packaged systems are garbage. The monitor is probably the most important part of your computer. Without a good monitor, you won't be able to get the most out of the system. Either the resolution isn't high enough, or the size of the screen isn't large enough, or worse still -- the refresh rate isn't eft with lots of flicker. The "standards" for PC resolutions are 800x600 at 72 Hz and 1024x768 non-interlaced at 74 or 76 Hz. The Packard Bell monitors you find around town do 800x600 at 50 Hz and will do 1024x768 at 72 Hz, but it's interlaced, so there IS flicker. Furthermore, these monitors have a lousy 0.39 mm dot pitch (or worse -- I've seen Tandy monitors -- the VGM 225 -- with a 0.52 mm dot pitch!), which makes the text fuzzy, even at 640x480. A GOOD monitor will cost you at I have in mind is a new Philips 15" flatscreen at Best Buy. Actually, they want 468 for it. Or, you can buy a refurbished NEC 4D directly from NEC for about 450. Both of these monitors are excellent -- both have a dot pitch of 0.28 mm, and have a very crisp, clear picture. So by the time we get a good monitor and pay tax or shipping, we're looking at 500. So our total is now up to 3000. Again, this is for a 486DX2/66 machine with 16 meg of RAM, a 16-bit sound card with SCSa 340 meg IDE hard drive, and a decent monitor. That is what is required to have a PC that can equal your Amiga in terms of usability and overall pleasure. Dealing with Windows is far too frustrating to count, and since it can't multitask worth a darn, it doesn't really count anyway. Now, to maintain a bit of fairness, we are talking about a pretty decked-out PC versus a fairly baseline Amiga. Yeah, the PC will have better overall sound and graphics, but it takes so much money tos easy to use as your Amiga. I know what you're saying now... "What if I were to take an Amiga and max it out, for comparison?" Okay, let's do that. We'll start with one of those blowout Amiga 3000's from Creative Computers. They're 900 with 5 meg of RAM, a 120 meg hard drive, and one floppy drive. Add 400 to bring memory up to 18 meg (which includes 2 meg of Chip RAM), for 1300US. Let's add 100 for a second floppy drive (what the heck)... 1400US. Now we'll add 450 for one oo II boards that'll do 1600x1280 in 24-bit if you have enough RAM in the computer... 1850. And a refurbed NEC 4D for 500US 2350US. Oh, and in case we need to do NTSC resolutions, let's grab a used 1084 for 150... 2500. The only real difference now is that the A3000 is a 25 MHz 68030 compared to a 66 MHz 486. There is a bit of processor power difference, but I'm not going to count it, on the basis that you pretty much need a 66 MHz 486 to make OS/2 run well. Oh, and the 120 m is due to the size of the operating system on the PC. Now, an alternate system to consider is an Amiga 1200... for 380 you get a base machine. Add an MBX1200z or equivelent RAM board with 8 meg of Fast RAM and a 25 MHz FPU for about 400 for a total of 780. Add a 120 meg, 2.5" IDE hard drive for about 220... 1000. Or instead, instead of the RAM board, add a 50 MHz 68030 on an MBX1200XA and a 25 MHz FPU for about 600, to total about 1200. So the bottom line is that in orde as an Amiga, you're looking at a good 3000 minimum, whereas you could have a nice Amiga system with plenty of bells and whistles for between half and 25% less. $ff0 [Your info is a bit dated however, I prefer the old saying "The Amiga 1000 can do more in 1MBs of memory than the PC can do with 4" -BYTE magazine. Kei] $9ac end